BATTLEFIELD PUTRAJAYA - PAINTBALL SCENARIO BIG GAMES - in conjunction with Hari Belia Negara 2011.

BATTLEFIELD PUTRAJAYA - PAINTBALL SCENARIO BIG GAMES - in conjunction with Hari Belia Negara 2011.

Gathering of 1 Million Youths. Date: May 28th & May 29th 2011 Location: Putrajaya, Precint 4 (next to Ministry of Youth And Sports Malaysia, near Palace of Justice)

The Scenario and Recball scene in Malaysia will be taking a quantum leap this May!! 

BE PART of this historic occasion at Putrajaya!! Our Prime Minister of Malaysia and many VVIPs will be there as well. Positive step for the Malaysian Scenario and Recball scene!! Please spread the news, especially to the recballers and scenario ballers! TQ. Over & out. More info. at: http://www.xtionpaintball.465.0.htm

I'll be there as a marshall...!! See you there!!


ko memang hantu ek..!!? syabas..!!!!!
Opiebamad said…
ha'a...hahaha~ hantu paintball...x kne pallet rasa mcm nk demam seyh.., sama la mcm kalo ko tak g hiking..demam tak rasa..? haha
aku dh sangap+meroyan dh ni.. hehehhee

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